Stopping Nosebleeds with BloodStop | #BloodSTOP #firstaid Published on September 18, 2015 by Jennifer Willey Ever had issues with nosebleeds? My darling daughter has a dust mite allergy, and seems to have contributed to frequent nosebleeds. I’ve recently been invited...
There are some things you like to have on hand, just in case. Of course, you hope the need to use them never arises, but if it does you definitely want to be prepared. BloodSTOP is one of those items. LifeScience Plus, a biotech company that has developed an...
How Would You Improve My Bare Essentials First Aid Kit? This is my fast-and-light, no-backpack first aid kit for minimalist adventures. It needs to deal with emergencies long enough to get me, a friend or Wiley a few hours back to the car and to a hospital. How would...