Report about use of BloodSTOP to pack small bone cavities and surfaces after deep debridement of diabetic ulcers at Berkshire Medical Center Inc. Wound Care Center in Pittsfied, MA.
Since 2007, Berkshire Medical uses BloodSTOP 4”X4” exclusively for hemostasis because it is flat, relatively firm, and can be cut into small pieces to fit the wound. It is very inexpensive compared to Surgicel, which “crumbles,” leaving pieces that have to be picked out later. BloodSTOP is also preferred to Gelfoam.
BloodSTOP is used at Berkshire Medical for vascular surgery, successfully controlling blood leakage when wrapped around vessel anastomosis, post-suturing. (EU Approval Only)
It is used in the Wound Care Center to stop bleeding after curettage. For this application it is covered with a secondary bandage to keep wounds from drying out. It is also used successfully on venous stasis ulcers that bleed heavily.
Another use BloodSTOP at Berkshire Medical is to pack small bone cavities and surfaces after deep debridement of diabetic ulcers and after the respective bone biopsies which bleed diffusely and are very time consuming to stop. BloodSTOP can be cut into small pieces that can be packed in, and then covered.
Juan N. Walterspiel MD, FAAP, FIDSA
Date: 02-26-2014